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Women’s Cancer

Women’s Cancer

Women’s cancer encompasses various types of cancers that affect women’s reproductive organs and breasts. These cancers pose significant health challenges and require specialized care to address the unique aspects of each type. Common women’s cancers include breast cancer, ovarian cancer, cervical cancer, and endometrial cancer.
Guru Cancer center is a pioneer in providing comprehensive and specialized care for women’s cancers. With a dedicated team of gynecologic oncologists, breast surgeons, and a range of advanced treatment options, Guru Cancer center is at the forefront of addressing the diverse spectrum of women’s cancers.

Breast Cancer

Characterized by the uncontrolled growth of cells in the breast tissue, breast cancer is the most common cancer in women, and early detection through mammograms is crucial for successful treatment. Guru Cancer center excels in the diagnosis and treatment of breast cancer, offering advanced imaging, biopsy techniques, and a range of surgical interventions, including breast-conserving surgeries and reconstructive options.

Ovarian Cancer

Ovarian cancer originates in the ovaries and often presents with subtle symptoms, making early detection challenging; specialized care, including surgery and chemotherapy, is essential for improved outcomes. Our center employs state-of-the-art technology for early detection and accurate diagnosis of ovarian cancer. Surgical expertise and innovative treatments contribute to improved outcomes for patients.

Cervical Cancer

Caused by persistent human papillomavirus (HPV) infection, cervical cancer affects the cervix and can be prevented through vaccinations and regular screenings like Pap smears. Guru Cancer center plays a pivotal role in cervical cancer prevention through routine screenings, such as Pap smears and HPV tests. For those diagnosed, the center provides advanced treatments, including surgery, radiation therapy, and targeted therapies.

Endometrial Cancer

Originating in the lining of the uterus, endometrial cancer is often linked to hormonal imbalances; treatments include surgery, radiation, and hormonal therapies based on the cancer’s characteristics and stage. With specialized gynecologic oncologists, Guru Cancer center offers tailored treatments for endometrial cancer, addressing hormonal imbalances and employing advanced surgical and adjuvant therapies.


Symptoms may vary based on the specific type of cancer but can include abnormal bleeding, pelvic pain, changes in bowel or urinary habits, and unexplained weight loss. Regular screenings and awareness are crucial for early detection.


Guru Cancer center’s approach to women’s cancers includes a range of treatments such as surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, hormonal therapy, targeted therapies, and immunotherapy. The choice of treatment depends on the type and stage of cancer, as well as individual patient factors.
Guru Cancer center’s commitment to women’s cancer care reflects its dedication to providing specialized and compassionate services. By integrating advanced medical technologies, expert medical professionals, and a patient-centric approach, Guru Cancer center continues to make significant strides in the diagnosis and treatment of women’s cancers, offering hope and improved outcomes for patients. Regular screenings, early detection, and personalized treatment plans contribute to the Cancer center’s success in addressing the unique challenges posed by women’s cancers.

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893 89 33 893