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Kidney Cancer

Kidney Cancer

Kidney cancer, also known as renal cancer, originates in the kidneys, vital organs responsible for filtering blood and removing waste. The most common type of kidney cancer in adults is renal cell carcinoma. Early detection and advancements in treatment options are essential for effectively managing kidney cancer.
Guru Cancer Center, esteemed for its excellence in oncology, is a leading institution in the diagnosis and treatment of kidney cancer. With a specialized team of urologists, oncologists, and advanced diagnostic technologies, Guru Cancer Center provides comprehensive care for individuals facing kidney cancer.


Early detection is critical, and individuals experiencing persistent symptoms should seek medical attention for accurate evaluation and timely intervention.
  • Blood in the urine (hematuria).
  • Persistent pain in the back or side.
  • Unexplained weight loss.
  • Fatigue and loss of appetite.
  • A palpable lump or mass in the abdomen.

Types of Cancer

Kidney cancer can be categorized into different types based on the specific cells involved. The primary types of kidney cancer include:

Renal Cell Carcinoma (RCC): This is the most common type of kidney cancer, accounting for about 90% of cases. It has several subtypes, including clear cell, papillary, and chromophobe renal cell carcinoma, each with distinct characteristics.

Transitional Cell Carcinoma (TCC): This type of kidney cancer begins in the renal pelvis, where the ureter connects to the kidney. Transitional cell carcinoma is less common than renal cell carcinoma.

Renal Sarcoma: Sarcomas are rare and aggressive tumors that develop in the kidney’s connective tissue.

Wilms Tumor: Wilms tumor is a type of kidney cancer that primarily affects children. It is a form of kidney cancer that usually occurs in children aged 3 to 4 years.


Understanding the specific type of kidney cancer is essential for tailoring treatment plans and predicting the potential behavior of the cancer. Each type may require different approaches to treatment, including surgery, targeted therapies, and immunotherapy.


  • Partial Nephrectomy: Removal of the tumor while preserving the healthy portion of the kidney. 
  • Radical Nephrectomy: Removal of the entire kidney and adjacent tissues if the tumor is large or has spread.
  • Immunotherapy: Boosting the immune system to recognize and attack kidney cancer cells.

  • Targeted Therapies: Utilizing medications that target specific molecules involved in the growth and survival of kidney cancer cells.

  • Radiation Therapy: Using high-energy rays to target and eliminate cancer cells, although less common for kidney cancer.

  • Chemotherapy: Administering drugs to kill cancer cells or slow their growth, with limited effectiveness for kidney cancer.

Guru Cancer Center’s commitment to kidney cancer care reflects its dedication to providing advanced and personalized treatment options. By combining cutting-edge diagnostics, a multidisciplinary approach, and ongoing research, Guru Cancer Center aims to enhance outcomes and improve the quality of life for individuals facing the challenges of kidney cancer. Regular screenings and a comprehensive treatment strategy contribute to the center’s success in the management of kidney cancers.

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